Friday 5/14- Open meeting for all Local 2 Members

All members are invited to attend a Zoom meeting this Friday, May 14, 2021 at 12pm.

Please register below to receive the Zoom link.





Todos los miembros están invitados a participar en una reunión de Zoom este viernes 14 de mayo de 2021 a las 12 p.m.

Por favor, regístrese a continuación para recibir el enlace Zoom.


Join Local 2 at Saturday’s May Day Parade & Rally

Join Local 2 and hundreds of other union siblings this Saturday May 1 for the May Day Parade & Rally for Workers’ Rights & Racial Justice.

Meet at 10a at the Embarcadero- we’ll parade down Market St to SF City Hall. We hope to see you there! Click on the flyer below for more details.

International Workers Day- Parade and Rally in SF this Saturday May 1st

Vaccinations open to all CA Residents age 16 and up

California has opened up restrictions on vaccination appointments: all California residents 16 and older can now get vaccinated. Please check the following websites for more information or to book an appointment:

You may also be able to schedule a vaccine appointment with your health insurance provider. Please call them directly for more information.

Join us this Saturday 3/27: Stop Asian Hate! National Day of Action

Call It What It Is, a Hate Crime! Stop Anti-Asian Violence, Stop China-Bashing!

This Saturday 3/27 from 11 AM – 12 PM – A Vigil/Memorial for the Atlanta victims and all victims of hate crimes at  SF “Comfort Women” Memorial, St Mary’s Square on California Street, and grant. Co-sponsored by CWJC, Jin Duck and Kyung Sik Kim Foundation,  Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association, and Chinese Chamber of Commerce.

Speeches and Self-defense demonstration for the Seniors.

12 PM – From St Mary’s Square, ANSWER Coalition and Pivot to Peace will lead the National Demonstration Day walk to Union Square. Speeches and Martial Arts demonstration at Union Square.

Click here to learn more.

Stop Asian Hate in SF

Join the rally on Saturday, 3/27. We’ll march from SF City Hall to Union Square

By-Law change adopted

Haga clic aquí para Español

Thousands of Laid-Off members can now participate in the Union’s decision making for the remainder of 2021.

On Wednesday, March 17th (Happy St. Patrick’s Day!), our Union’s much reduced membership (barely 1000 current dues paying members) voted overwhelmingly (99% YES) to change our Union’s By-Laws; allowing members Laid-Off from March 2020 due to COVID-19 to participate fully in Union decision making.

The vote was:  YES  —  165,   NO  —  2.

With the March 17th vote, thousands of laid-off Local 2 members (many of whom have been members for decades) are now able to attend meetings and vote on Union business beginning in April and for the remainder of 2021.

Our struggle with the industry is entering a new phase.  The fight for COVID-19 workplace safety continues to be an everyday battle.  The shrunken business “demand” encourages the bosses to cut hours, eliminate jobs, and try to do more work with fewer people.  The work of the Union must be a vital part of every workday.

We need the entire Union  —  not just those few members currently working  —  to be part of that fight. 

That is why the Officers and Executive Board proposed this By-Law change.  The many thousands of Local 2 members who built the strength of our Union need to be there as the industry recovers and rebuilds.  This By-Law change allows all Local 2 members to make decisions together as we take on the demanding work of 2021.

Thank you to everyone who turned out to vote.  Your participation makes our Union strong.

Our Union Makes Us Strong!


Se Aprueba la Modificación de Estatutos.

Miles de miembros en Layoff ya pueden participar en la toma de decisiones de la Unión para el resto de 2021.

El miércoles, 17 de marzo (¡Feliz Día de San Patricio!), un número muy reducido de nuestros miembros (a penas 1000 miembros que pagan las cuotas actualmente) votaron en gran mayoría (el 99% SÍ) por modificar los Estatutos de nuestra Unión; lo cual les permite a los miembros en Layoff desde marzo de 2020 debido al COVID-19 participar plenamente en la toma decisiones de la Unión.

Los resultados de la votación fueron:  SÍ  —  165,   NO  —  2.

Con el voto del 17 de marzo, miles de los miembros del Local 2 en layoff (muchos de ellos miembros desde hace décadas) ya pueden asistir a las reuniones y votar sobre los asuntos de la Unión a partir de abril y por el resto de 2021.

Nuestra lucha con la industria está entrando en una nueva etapa.  La lucha por la seguridad en el trabajo frente al COVID-19 sigue siendo una batalla diaria.  La “demanda” comercial disminuida anima a los patrones a recortar las horas, eliminar los puestos de trabajo, e intentar hacer más trabajo con menos personas.  El trabajo de la Unión tiene que ser una parte vital de cada jornada.

Necesitamos que la Unión entera  —  no solo los pocos miembros que están trabajando actualmente  —  forme parte de la lucha. 

Es por eso que los Oficiales y la Mesa Directiva propusieron esta modificación de los Estatutos.  Los muchos miles de miembros del Local 2 que han desarrollado las fuerzas de nuestra Unión tienen que estar presentes mientras se recupera y se reconstruye la industria.  Esta modificación de los Estatutos permite que todos los miembros del Local 2 tomen las decisiones juntos mientras enfrentamos las labores difíciles de 2021.

Les agradecemos a todos los que salieron a votar.  Su participación es lo que le da fuerza a nuestra Unión.

¡Nuestra Unión Hace La Fuerza!








我們需要整個工會 不只是幾名目前有上班的會員 成為該奮鬥的一員。




President Biden signs new bailout law

This week President Biden signed a bailout law that brings some important short-term help to many working people.  Thanks to the Local 2 members who sent a message to Congress asking them to pass this bill.  But we have much more work to do to fix our economy – especially health care.  Click here for action you can take today to make a big difference in California.

Here’s some of what is in the new law:


Money for working people

  • Up to $1400 for most Local 2 members (depending on your income).  This money will be sent out much like the “stimulus checks” last year.
  • Help for unemployed people.  Anyone who is receiving unemployment benefits will receive a $300 per week benefit from the federal government, up until September 6.
  • Money for people with children.  Taxpayers with children under 18 years old will get $3000 ($3600 for children under 6). This money will be paid out in pieces during the year.


Short term help with health care

  • Free COBRA health coverage through September.  If you got health benefits by working before you were laid off, the federal government will pay for your family’s COBRA (continued coverage) through September 2021.  Local 2’s health funds will send out a notice soon explaining how to take advantage of this — if you turned down COBRA when benefits expired, you will be able to re-enroll. Please look out for this notice in the mail.
  • Extra help buying plans on Covered California.  The bill will make it cheaper for most laid-off people to buy health plans on Covered California — though these plans will still be expensive for many.  This federal subsidy will last through 2022.


Other important changes

  • More money for housing assistance.  The bill will give out more money to community groups to help people who don’t have housing or who are at risk of being evicted.
  • Help for cities & counties.  The public services we depend on — for schools, safety, and public health — are under threat because local governments are getting less tax revenue. The new bill helps protect our services.